March to April 2013, start from Austria.
The first trip I travel alone, took my luggage with nervous and exciting feeling.


Friendly Social Process
4 capabilities from human inspiration

  • I observe

    I love to observe different detail and possibility from culture insights. I believe every explorer can easily experience what we look and listen by empathy. Besides,observation is one of the best ways to know people who are standing in front of me. We can get cues to search topics before talking from observation.

  • I collect

    When I got something inspiration from observation, I wrote it down as my human data. By this way, I collect materials by quick note-taking for interaction with people. We can search what's a better way from them before starting a friendly talk. Collection helps me realize more human behaviors. This is why I create Human Program.

  • I interact with

    Every word or body language likes a signal for me to social. I could understand how people react from my actions by these signals and response them appropriately. The social skills can help us manage the communication process, especially facing strangers or unfamiliar people.

  • I reflect

    From observation, collection, and interaction, we have to reflect what we get or gain. Every story or experience can help people imagine the future or what's next. By the information from culture insights and social cues, we find out creative confidence and keep going the next.

In progress

Some Records

Love what I make



4,564 km means action, fulfill and understand the empathy procedure from the interaction in the trip, finishing Human Program.



30 days means test. In the whole month, keep trying to record the human stories, using the experimental spirit to try social skill with people.



9 cities means touching different experiences. Joining the local atmosphere and cultures never had before.



24 people means humanity. Travel is no longer the movement of place, but the inspiration from human interaction. Then explore myself.

I Met People

9 impressive human stories
around my science brain

The path of Human Program
it's a experience journey by eyes, mouth, ears, nose, body actions.

View the Full-size Map

Context of Human Program

Exchange Student Program

to March

Start to be an exchange student

First time living in Austria, I focused on the campus life and communicate with the exchange students from 50 counties. It was impressive to exchange the different culture insight like a small United Nation. Therefore, this experience inspire me to explore the Europe by taking a trip alone.

to April

Explore the Human Program

The purpose of this trip is not only travel, but also exploring myself. I wanted to discover the culture behind the behaviors and test the experiment of my social skill. So, being alone is the best way to inspire this ability. To this end, I found the process of social design process as four steps: Observation > Search > Interaction > Storytelling.

to July

SALES DESIGN PROCESS: To be a real social tool

I had the inspiration and advices from the exchange students, so I tried to organize this 30 days story. In the same time, my friend Craig who joined on project in the competition with 中国易社 and frog design. He planed a project named "HearTour" that focuses on the social design topic, "Travel by people". We managed to combine my Human Program case into his project and exchanged experience together. In the end, the human program came out with this website.

Human Program - Collaboration with Find Your Center Lab
© Copyright 2013-2014. Human Program - Friendly Social Process by
Plan and stories: Toto Lai
Synthesis: Toto Lai, Craig Kuo
Content: Toto Lai, Toto x Europe x 150, Craig Kuo
Website: Toto Lai, Craig Kuo