• TMA 10TH grats
    TMA is a 54-hour ongoing event that means every magician has the deck which there are 54 cards in. Every year, average of 800 professional and amateur magicians participated in the annual TMA Magic Convention. Welcome and thank you for coming.
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About TMA 10th

An average of 800 professional and amateur magicians participates in the annual TMA Magic Convention. What kind of event TMA is? Over the past 9 years, it has annually gathered magicians all over the world in a three-day convention.

125 guests from
15 countries

Magicians are able to exchange views of magic in this event. TMA provides a platform for domestic and foreign magicians to exchange opinions, including performance, contests, lectures and close-up interaction to give participants opportunities to make a culture exchange.

Gathering 30+ clubs
in Taiwan

Magic clubs are one of the most important roles for magic development in Taiwan. Different from Japan owns a history of magic or Korea makes magic one of the subjects in schools, TMA was founded by local clubs. All 50+ clubs from schools and universities, and 60%+ join TMA every year.

Over 120 awards, 38% as international

TMA has been issuing awards: BIMF Competition, BIMF Guest Invitation, FFFF Special, Italy Special, Japan Chubu, Japan ICM, Johnny Wong Special, Magic Castle Special, Malaysia Special, Nihonkai Special, RIC Special, TMA Close-up, TMA Invitation, TMA Special, TMA Stage...



All the TMA campaigns, brochures, videos, photos, and websites are designed by magic lovers. Furthermore, the brochure contains international events for experience exchange, such as Japanese magic bars and international magic conventions.


Since 2004, TMA’s team has recruited magic lovers of all ages. A small group of 10 people has become a team with 50 TMA members. We appreciates the following fellows who contribute a lot to this event.


In order to improve the communication with international guests, in 2010, TMA started the one-on-one program with NTUST International Friendship Ambassadors.

Networking opportunities

% Guests from Taiwan

% Guests from foreign countries

% Awards from Taiwan

% ßInternational awards

International trips

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MUSE with Dong-A University

Cooperate with the Department of Magic of Dong-A Injae University during Magic United Societies Event 2013 (MUSE). Every year, the Department of Magic would arrange an oversea graduation trip. In 2012, we were honored to be invited by Don-A Injae University for holding the magic exchange performance, workshop, and gala show. To all of us, this journey has become a memorable cultural impact.

A member of FISM

With all the efforts that we had made these years, TMA has been recognized by some international magic associations in 2012 and became one of the members of FISM. Because of this, TMA was authorized to be able to vote and recommend contestants for events. During 2013, six Taiwanese contestants represent Taiwan to attend FISM World Championships of Magic.

Meet The FISM 2012

Anson Lee, Chipin Huang, Mike Chao, Pohan Huang, Red Tsai, Sunny Chen


Anson Lee

2010 Magic Castle
Special Award
2010 UGM
Special Award


Chipin Huang

2012 UGM
Special Award
2011 BIMF
Special Award


Mike Chao

2010 Club Magico Italiano & FFAP
2009 TMA Convention


Pohan Huang

2011 World Magic Seminar Asia
2nd Prize
2010 TMA Convention


Red Tsai

2012 FISM Micro
3rd Prize
2011 BIMF & TMA Close-up


Sunny Chen

2010 Nihonkai Convention
Grand Prix
2010 Malaysia Magic Festival



Get In Touch

Thank you for joining TMA. We are looking forward to meet you next year.

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