
E-zel Projects (R7)

Three main projects in Ezel Project (R7), including Prototype Usability, User Mistriggering Test (Usability), and User Trial Research (by using Card Sorting and Scenario Interaction process) that collaborated with IDEO.

We cooperated and learned skills for usability and user research with IDEO. For my challenge, I had to plan the user research to explore between behaviors and new formfactor for next generation. I designed a methodology to guide interviewers easily to enjoy the scenarios. (This process allows our users to relax and share more real experiences with us.) For my concept, people are willing to share more with us when they realize what they do.

Design process

  • Match real experiences
  • Connect the moments
  • Share their contexts
  • Check excellent and pain points
  • First impression on Ezel design
  • New formfactor opportunities (changing mode behavior)