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DailyLight – CalLab

DailyLight is an emergency light system that transforms functions of emergency exit indicator, flashlight, and rescue light into a light switch.

DailyLight comes on automatically when a building experiences a power shortage. It is designed into a light switch so it’s placed at the most intuitive location where you would most likely to reach when the power goes out. Easily transition from emergency exit indicator to detachable flashlight and back is designed using smart magnet. With built-in laser beam, DailyLight also allows you to fire off signal for help, making it easier for rescue teams to locate where you are.

The Brief: Summarize the problem we set out to solve. What was the context for the project, and what was the challenge posed to us?

Blackouts are more common than ever. According to a new report released by the Department of Energy in August, 2013, severe weather is the leading cause of power outages in the United States. There were estimated 679 widespread power outages due to severe weather, and that weather-related outages have increased significantly by approximately 300 percent between 2003 and 2012.

Emergency lighting is increasingly important as climate change and other unpredictable natural disaster increases the frequency of power outages. Nowadays most of people have their smartphone built-in flashlight, but when the power suddenly goes out, we might not be able to locate our phone or even if we have it with us, it won’t last long.There are numerous consumer plug-in emergency lights in the market, but they are either quite utilitarian-looking gadgets or located on some hardly visible electrical outlets.

DailyLight takes a very different approach.

First of all, it integrates a full emergency rescue solution into a light switch, sowhen the power goes outit’s at the most familiar and intuitive location where you normally turn the lights on. Second, the location of light switch is usually on the wall near the door. When DailyLight comes on, it acts as an emergency exit indicator. Third, with built-in laser beam, DailyLight allows you to fire off signal for help, making it easier for rescue teams to locate where you are. Finally, we make installation easy. DailyLight is compatible with most home light switch with neutral, hot and ground wires.

CalLab members:
Industrial designer: Casper Chou, Allen Chen
Graphic designer: Lionel Chen
Experience designer: Craig Kuo