Tablet experience

Tablet experience project explored tablet behaviors at home, on the move, waiting for something and fragmentation. As the market matures, consumers begin to understand the specific ways a tablet can address their needs. IDEO designers help us to find out user insights and opportunities from 20 user needs.

Exploratory Phases

  • Define scope of tablet territory.
    -Snapshot interview x50 tablet use case.
    -Cluster usage scenario in low resolution.
  • Macro observations of tablet usage via desk research.
  • Extreme/ heavy Tablet user observation.
    -Inspired by how user adapts tablet for their needs.
    -Discover the unfulfilled needs and opportunities for better.
  • We will be able to answer.
    -Real needs behind “Robins.” (Robin means opportunities around using tablet)
    -Collaboration of computing devices: NB, tablet and Smartphone.
    -Based on our understanding of tablet use cases, tablet attributes, and market response, we have outlined insights & opportunities for three different areas of focus.