Private management
On-going project and ready to demo in CES 2015. We support planning team to organize resources for Private management. There are 3 topics we focus: private mode, kids mode and private communication service.

Home Placement Research
By connecting innovative products to brand experiences, I provided a 4-period assumption into the experience cycle and designed the one-year research plan. It was a great exploring challenge. When 1st MP product ready, I planed to…

Keyboard Experience
A series of keyboard test we did is to narrow down the impact factors from data collection and users’ feeling. We contributed the keyboard spec for over 13-inch notebooks (P1, S1, Click ratio). We also considered some influe…

Acer Camera UI Usability
3 camera apps (Acer) usage for 8 tasks. After the tasks, we asked the user to select their favorite. We focused on tablet camera experience in depth, and discussed which one that users would like to install this camera on their ta…
Tablet experience
Tablet experience project explored tablet behaviors at home, on the move, waiting for something and fragmentation. As the market matures, consumers begin to understand the specific ways a tablet can address their needs. IDEO desig…